Jun 25, 2008

Tagged AgaIn..this tIme by StepheN..

Here I am...Tagged once again...and i guess i have been quiet fast this time unlike the previous one...This tag is quiet intersting as it is going to reveal alot of things aboUt me..So here I go..

I am--- Charu Sharma aka chaarz,chalu,naatu,chaha,barbie-doll...different people...different names...

I think--- hell alot...I can be awarded for that...

I know--- there are many shades of my personality which are very different from each other and i love It...

I want--- a life in which I could achieve material and personal satisfaction...

I have--- a bunch of great friends who are always by my side and my family whom I love alot...

I wish--- life would have been a little easier on me but its okay as It has made me alot stronger and mature...

I hate--- many things...my previous post can be consulted for the list...;)

I miss--- my school life...they were the best days of my life...though life after school has been very enriching in many ways but still i miss those days baDLy...

I fear--- MonotoNY and GoD...

I feel--- different emotions at different moments...

I hear--- lots of things from lots of people...but i generally dont abide by them...lol

I crave--- FOR LOVE...

I search--- for satisfaction in everything I do...

I wonder--- if I would have been taller how different life would have been ;)

I regret--- being too careless at times aboUt things which are of uTmost importance...

I love--- everything I have been blessed with...

I am not--- jUst another girl aRound...

I dance--- on almost everything possible..just pUt on the muSic...n i will start off..

I sing--- whenver I listen to Music...

I cry--- yeah...i Do...but only when I am ALone...not in Public...

I don't always--- listen to people...i know its a bad habit...lol

I fight--- mostly with myself over many things...

I write--- as its gives me pleasUre and respite...

I win--- whenever I put in my full efforts...

I loose--- whenever I am caREless...

I never--- hide what I feel... i always express myself...

I always--- try to be happy but my success rate does go down sometimes...

I confuse--- myself tremendously...

I listen--- to my heart almost always...

I can usually be found--- sleeping Or Thinking

I need--- to take a right decision for myself regarding my career(badly need it right now)

I am happy about--- the fact that I am a person with a strong mind and dont give up too easily inspite of the fact that life has been quiet hard on me...

I imagine--- anything which can be imagined...Afterall imagination doesn't have any bOundaries...


The Solitary Writer said...

hey well done charu


Charu Sharma said...

@ stephan
thnkS buddy..:)

Shruti said...

hey had fun reading it!!
check out my tag as well...


Anonymous said...

the good thing about knowing is, knowing yourself. you seem to know the you.

i hope ur wishes come true. amen.

I wish if the love that you carve for, comes to you sooner!
your search for satisfaction ends!

you seem to be a very optimistic person, who know herself well, cherishes it and loves everything around her. such a positive attitude of living, impressive :)

I hope your dreams come true!
keep writing.
this is the first time i entered ur arena, i promise to keep a check now
keep writing :)


CRD said...

everyone craves for love:)

and hey u dont need to feel bad abt ur height yaar.as i said before most guys love petite gals [:d]
