You said all that and I heard,
I didn't say even a word.
I know how difficult it was for me,
To go through all that which was not meant to be.
You kept saying that which i never wanted to hear,
Dont know from where i got the courage to bear.
I held my voice,my tremble,my tears,
To loose you like this was one of my biggest fears.
My nerves got struck,my blood got jammed,
I didn't understood what you ahd planned.
My mind said 'YES' It's you who is saying,
My heart said 'No' My ears must be lying.
I had this confusion and no sense to think,
Everything was lost and their wasn't any link.
I am not important and I am needless,
I wonder how dare you say all that.
My heart cried, you crushed my feelings,
The wounds you gave have no healing.
Offcourse I'm gonna fight back and make things go,
But without you life won't be in its flow.
There gonna be a void without you I always knew,
I have adored few people and one of them is you.
So, with a hope that one day everything's gonna be right,
I am remembering you when I am alone tonight....
hey this is great
hmm am really happy coz i know a frnd whom i hurt very much by always saying that i wud go forever and
this poems reflect such thoughts
and charu me so happy for u
u wrote it instantly and it has come gr8
@ stephan
Thanks buddy...
but I must say u shudn't say such thngs to someone so cloSe..
That was great stuff..Only such words come when some body dips the pen right in to heart write.I sensed the pain...
It was straight.Simple.But the silent cry could be heard...
wonderful blog.
happy to be here.
me too blog
do share the joy..
@man in painting..
thanks...even i think the emotions sumtyms bring out the best in me.. be it happy or sad..:)
@ arunava
Why dat expression buddy...??
Beautiful nd honest expression...
I hope the one you are remebering is worth it
@ prakhar..
well..i think the person Is..
well all i can say is move on...
its not gonna be easy. took me 2 yrs to move on...
but mebbe u can if u distract urself with things like blogging, a language, arts, etc
Oh u seem to be taking it all wronG.. Its written for a close frnd frm the Past...And no Doubt i have moVEd on..:)
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