Yet again I am thinking,
Why can’t I let this go?
Why it looks so hard?
The truth- off course I know
Yeah..You aren’t mine.
And you will never be
Still I hope in my heart.
I will hear you say you want me
Yeah...I am hoping
Hoping A hopeless hope
It’s not going to happen
There’s just no scope
I don’t know why
I just want to run away
From you my love
As I know I can’t make you stay.
This heartache is deep
This pain is real
But I know it’s not your fault
I know how you feel
You can’t give me
That what I am asking for
Love just happens
And you don’t feel that for sure.
Still I wish it works out
I am still in many doubts
Oh baby! Just be here with me
It’s U, it’s I...but it could have been “We”.
Why can’t I let this go?
Why it looks so hard?
The truth- off course I know
Yeah..You aren’t mine.
And you will never be
Still I hope in my heart.
I will hear you say you want me
Yeah...I am hoping
Hoping A hopeless hope
It’s not going to happen
There’s just no scope
I don’t know why
I just want to run away
From you my love
As I know I can’t make you stay.
This heartache is deep
This pain is real
But I know it’s not your fault
I know how you feel
You can’t give me
That what I am asking for
Love just happens
And you don’t feel that for sure.
Still I wish it works out
I am still in many doubts
Oh baby! Just be here with me
It’s U, it’s I...but it could have been “We”.
lovely poem. a lot of people will relate to unrequited love. good u are not being obsessed and stalking like how guys do
@ arz kia hai
Thanks so muCh...:)
I loved the last line
*scremes.* this was mines !! sniff.
i said one "the 'we' has only two letters in it, the 'I' and the 'U' and still it fills the whole world"
I is Isbah (alternate spelling of my name)
U is Uzra, My best friend :)
keep writing..
The I, The we, The Us :)
hey charu it was a good onee
Awww! Shoo b'ful..
You won't believe me but I often used to use this
*Oh baby! Just be here with me
It’s U, it’s I and now I want it to be “We”.*
in my conversations with my guy. Anyways coming back to the post, I simply loved it!
Btw..sorry for not visiting for so many days...It seems I have missed a lot!
@ 'A'
Indeed u r rght...Ths WE consists of a whole world in it..
Yeah ..even love those lines..
And as far missing the action is concerned..U can always go bck n compensate for it my dear..
Thnks for the appreciation..
wow...short lines...crisp..awesome effect...good job with a tough topic yaar...handled really well...
well......when the pain is immense and beyond tolerance.......the best thing to do is to pamper urself for the love which u wanted to impart to the one who either didn't realises its importance or may be its a big deal for him to deal and manouver with tht.......
Love is a beautiful feeling developed inside.........and how come one let it get dis-acknowledged so easily if it is not accepted by the next guy.
Love will always prevail and flourish......so kep loving and keep living.......just like me.
Nice and other superlatives are the only words I can think of :P
Hey! Loved this poem. I was in this phase a couple of months ago. Dont we wish that all we want/hope to get , comes our way.
I know this may sound weird..But this feeling, this emotion , this pain is also unique..Enjoy it (though it sounds weird) while you can..
Then, you shall a knight in shining armour on a white horse coming your way..And this Mr. U will be forgotten..Let him also have a spot in the limelight of your life for a while...
*DO I sound like Im on drugs??*
its touching .....
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