Feb 11, 2008

FriEnDS FOrevER..

Friends come and friends go,
but few live forever in the heart and soul .
They know each other as if they know oneslf,
their bond is like an unbreakable shelf.
They stand by each other n always remain,
without seeing their loss or their gain.
They eases worries and bring smiles,
they walk hand in hand across the miles.
They kick off turmoil sadness and tear,
they just bring bliss happiness and cheer.
They give their shoulder when needed 2 cry,
they bring glory 2 days whichever are dry.
They sit back together talk and share,
coz dats the way they show how much they care.
IF they are in trouble n need each others help,
they dont have 2 say coz they come to know themselves.
They may even fight and make each other grin,
but then without each other they cant live in.
They may sometimes lie n sometimes ignore,
true is to anyone they havent been so close before.
In life they both may have that special someone,
but still without each other their life is a lonely run.
Years will keep going seasons will come and go,
together they wil fight life's all high n lows.
When times will change n ey will be called olds,
then too their friendship will have the same folds.
Wen the last call form the almighty will come by,
they"l hold each others hand n make a last cry.
Oh! GOD u take us to hell or to heaven,
just listen to our request and this is the last one.
Please keep us ALONG NEAR N ToGeTHR
coz we made a promise to each other that we are FRIENDS FOREVER


Creativity said...

fantastic Poem Dear:) I really extremely loved it...I read the same for thrice, ur description, expressions, made me to read again & again..Not that I didn't understand at the first read..But, I wanted to read and I read such poems which I love more than other poems..

While reading, it was exactly a video..I really enjoyed it:)
Hearty Congratulations for your Award Dear:)

Very Very Good:) Excellent:) Keep Writing:) keep Blogging:)

Charu Sharma said...

@ creativity..
Thaanks alot..And i truly apprecaite sch lovely comments...


Creativity said...

Hats off to your poetry Dear:)